Integrated Data Services, Inc.
3591 Cedar Run Road
Bonne Terre, MO 63628 - USA
Phone: 573-431-0425
or 832-472-4205
Providing geological consulting services and technical training for the petroleum industry,
specializing in sample descriptions of cores and well cuttings from carbonate reservoirs
integrating sample data with log interpretations, petrophysics, geophysics and reservoir engineering.


Technical Courses and Workshops

Sample Examination Workshop
1 week workshop with lectures

Hands-on examination with a binocular scope of reservoir rocks, seals, and source rocks from around the world. Carbonates, siliciclastics, oil shales, evaporates pore types, diagenetic overprints, fractures, and reservoir facies.

Click here for 2011 Workshop Flyer (pdf, 56K)

Click here for complete workshop description...

Sample Examination Workshop

Carbonate Geology Applied to Subsurface Exploration and Production Problems
1-2 week seminar, usually with associated field trip(s)
This is the “Carbonate Seminar” that I presented for Conoco Oil Company and for Mobil Oil Company from 1978 to 1992; it has since been presented for numerous international oil companies and government agencies.

Modern-Ancient Analogs in Carbonate Depositional Environments
2-5 day seminar, usually with an associated field trip to a modern carbonate setting, such as Florida, the Bahamas or Belize
This is a new seminar with several unpublished examples from all parts of the world, all based on the Principle of Uniformitarianism, as applied to carbonate facies distribution.



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